English Plant Names
the following list we have collected the English names of all plants
which can be obtained through our archive. The reasons for this relatively
new endeavour by our agency are the new forms of communication and
marketing with which we have been confronted since we decided to present
our material at an international level and via Internet in the year
In our use of English plant names we follow (amongst others) the entries
of the 17th edition of Zander Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen (Dictionary
of Plant Names), but we are well aware of the fact that this dictionary
does not cover world-wide botanical vegetation and that its editors too
are still struggling for a reliable nomenclature in the international
usage of plant names. The fact that even the British and the American
usage of English plant names may differ considerably is only one aspect
to this problem. The local naming of plants in African and Asiatic countries
is a further dimension.
So we can only state that we have tried our very best to find a reliable
solution to the problem which we saw ourselves confronted with when we
integrated the English nomenclature into our search engine. We would
be thankful for any hint which might help us to improve the English (=international)
function of our index and search engine. So far more than 8.000 english plant names are considered in the description of our botanical documentation.
For the present we still suggest, that in case of doubt you follow our
scientific nomenclature for any serious international research, this
being the only reliable international nomenclature in the field of plant
names. There we follow the naming of plants according to the International
Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) in the current version of the “Saint
Louis Code” of 2000.
to Index of English
Plant Names >